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Fernet Branca is a favorite in Buenos Aires, as is sweet vermouth. The Ferroviario dive bar and café classic, found throughout the city, delivers bold flavors and a refreshing sip.

No need to overthink it—just eyeball the proportions to your taste.

Phi's Score: 9.2

David's Score: 8.7

Illustration of Ferraviario cocktail


  • 1oz Fernet Branca

  • 1oz soda water

  • 2oz vermut (sweet vermouth)

  • lemon or orange wedge (optional)

*these proportions are suggestions—you can eyeball this one!


  1. Pour Fernet Branca into a glass filled with ice

  2. Add the soda water (it should get foamy)

  3. Top with vermut

  4. Garnish with a lemon or orange wedge, or a little more soda if your heart desires

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